Let's get curious about mental health

Join a free webinar hosted by Spring Health to learn ways
to improve your well-being or support others.

Dedicated Team of Consultants

About Spring Health
monthly webinars

Our monthly webinars provide education and insight on relatable and timely mental health topics. Hosted by licensed clinicians, each 60-minute webinar will give you expert tips and tools to navigate common challenges and live a happier, healthier life. You’ll also receive helpful takeaways so you can put your learnings into practice. 

A new topic is presented each month, with an opportunity for live Q&A with the hosting clinician. All webinars are recorded and available on demand.

Watch previous monthly webinars

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the questions we hear the most about our monthly webinars. If you don’t find the answer you need, please email us.

Who are monthly webinars available to?
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Webinars are available to all Spring Health members based in the United States. As sensitive subjects may be discussed, please use discretion with younger attendees.

Who do I contact if I have trouble accessing the webinar?
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Please contact marketinginfo@springhealth.com for assistance

What technology do I need to attend a webinar?
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You can join a webinar through your computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Spring Health’s webinars are hosted through Zoom.

Can I interact with other people in the chat?
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While we love opportunities to connect, we don't want to overwhelm attendees. When webinar attendance is high, we may disable chat to maintain focus on the topic being discussed. The Q&A function will always remain on, and you will still be able to send messages directly to panelists. You also have the ability to close the chat feature if you find it distracting.

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Seeking more support?

For smaller group conversations, join a WellSprings session.

For personalized support, activate your Spring Health account.