How Mindfulness Can Reduce Anxiety and Stress

It’s normal to get into patterns of negative thinking, but when we spend too long with these thoughts, they can dramatically affect our mental health, physical health, productivity, and overall quality of life. Below are resources and recordings to help you break negative thought patterns.

Missed it the first time around, or want to watch it again?

How To Handle Anxiety Without Worry was hosted by Shayna Love, Marketing at Spring Health, and featured Jamie Schlichenmayer, MS LPC and Chad Harrigan, ICF-PCC. This webinar discussion will help you recognize anxiety and how it may be impacting your overall health as well as give strategies and tools for what to do when you’re feeling anxious.

Skill Building Workshop: Journaling to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Journaling can be one of the simplest, most effective tools to reduce stress, manage symptoms of depression and anxiety, focus your thoughts, and improve your mental health overall. Journaling to Reduce Stress & Anxiety features Danielle Palli, NBC-WC and discusses journaling basics, practice tips for getting started, and talk through ways to make journaling work for you.

Mindfulness to reduce your stress

Mindfulness helps us relax, reducing our overall stress. It also lowers blood pressure and chronic pain, improves sleep, and strengthens our immune system. Mindfulness to reduce your stress featured Kristen Hernandez, MA, LMFT and reviews basic mindfulness best-practices as well as a group mindfulness exercise.

Mindfulness to improve your mood

The practice of mindfulness can help reduce negative feelings and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Mindfulness to improve your mood featured Lucía Etchegaray and discusses best-practices of being mindful as well as a guided meditation that’s focused on improving your mood.

Mindfulness to improve your sleeping

Mindfulness practices can aid in lowering levels of stress and help with relaxation. Mindfulness to improve your sleeping featured BJ Constantine, LMHC, LPC, NCC and discusses the benefits of mindfulness and a guided meditation that’s focused on improving your sleeping.

Mindfulness for better concentration

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Mindfulness for better concentration featured Christine Lopez, LCSW and reviews basic mindfulness best-practices as well as a meditation.

About The Facilitator

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Additional Resources

Member Guide - How Mindfulness Can Reduce Anxiety and Stress

A deeper dive into negative thought patterns and how to break them in healthy ways.

Table Talk - How Mindfulness Can Reduce Anxiety and Stress

A family resource for parents and caregivers with additional tips for navigating difficult emotions.

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